
Dóri's Langoustine Soup

Langoustine soup from Dóri, the chef at Pakkhúsið

Langoustine is what people in Iceland call lobster. It is much smaller than most tourists are expecting. The meat is also much finer and if cooked correctly is one of the finest delicacies. Lobster was first caught in 1939 when experimental fishing started with the purpose of exporting it canned. Dóri is not too sure it would be a big hit today in cans!

But out to sea! When Dóri had shaken off some symptoms of sea sickness on his first ever sea fishing trip, he would watch the crew on Sigurður Ólafsson SF44 pull in full nets of lobster. The next step was to work the lobster and take care of the fish that came in the nets. Dóri sneaked a few lobster claws to the side to make this soup:

Langoustine soup

  • 1 kg langoustine claws
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tbsp. tomato purée
  • 2 l water
  • 500 ml cream
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 100 g mushrooms
  • 2 red onions
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1/3 tsp dried thyme
  • 4 tsp salt


Heat some oil in a large pan and brown the lobster claws along with the garlic and roughly cut onion. It is very important that the oil is hot so that
the claws fry and not boil. When the claws have started to change colour, add the tomato purée. Then add the water and boil for around 40 minutes. Do not boil for longer than this as it produces a bitter taste that not everyone likes. While the claws are boiling, cut the mushrooms, bell pepper and red onion into small cubes and fry in a hot pan. Season with salt and pepper. When the stock has boiled for around 40 minutes it is strained and simmered gently for 30 more minutes. Finally add the cream, fried vegetables, herbs and salt. The soup is thickened with cornflour. Add salt, pepper and tomato purée to taste. Serve the soup with fried langoustine tails and good bread.